The Council of Irish Sign Language (ISL) Teachers


Mission Statement:

The mission of the Professional Council of Irish Sign Language Teachers’ organisation is to increase the understanding, respect, and equality of qualified ISL teachers and their diverse communities by:

  1. Providing high quality teaching  that promotes Irish Sign Language (ISL) and Deaf Culture
  2. Promoting high quality resources, and continued professional development (CPD) throughout Ireland


1. Name

1.1 The name of the Association shall be The Council of Irish Sign Language Teachers

 1.2  The Council of Irish Sign Language Teachers is a non-trading, not for profit organisation. The Council of Irish Sign Language Teachers is the representative body for Irish Sign Language teachers in Ireland.


2. Aims

The Council of Irish Sign Language Teachers aims to advance the profession of Irish Sign Language teachers in Ireland through its ongoing commitment to professional development and its promotion of the interests of The Council of Irish Sign Language Teachers members and ISL community.


3. Objectives

The Council of Irish Sign Language Teachers will seek to achieve its aims by:

  1. Providing a forum in which its members can come together and offer each other advice and support;
  2. Encouraging its members to sign and adhere to a Code of Practice which includes a commitment to the aims of The Council of Irish Sign Language Teachers and to continuing professional development;
  3. Advertising appropriate qualifications and Continuing Professional Development (CPD) courses;
  4. Developing, providing and monitoring opportunities for continued professional development;
  5. Providing advice and information to its members and the wider public;
  6. Engaging in activities that will enhance the status of Irish Sign Language (ISL) and its teaching; and supporting and co-operating with any other organisations that do the same, including making representations to governing bodies as appropriate.
  7. Promoting education in Irish Sign language (ISL) as a profession and working proactively with other organisations and professionals to shape its future development
  8. To work to secure recognition of the profession of Irish Sign Language Teachers


 4. Membership

The Council of Irish Sign Language Teachers shall be open to anyone satisfying the eligibility requirements of membership, regardless of disability, race, nationality, gender, sexual preference or beliefs, whether religious, political or otherwise.  The Council of Irish Sign Language Teachers is a voluntary group that does not operate for profit

The only condition for membership shall be to meet the requirements of one of the categories:

  1. Active Membership
  2. Student Membership
  3. Associate Membership


4.1. Active Membership

4.1.1. Active membership is exclusive to qualified professional ISL teachers

4.1.2. Active Membership, The Council of Irish Sign Language Teachers recognises the individual teacher’s level of professional competency and ISL skills as achieved through the following pathway:

  1. A third level teacher training qualification as entry level into the profession of Irish Sign Language teachers e.g. Trinity College Dublin and Bristol University or equivalent.

4.2. Student Membership

4.2.1 Student Membership is for individuals who are currently undergoing a recognised third level ISL Teaching programme, such as mentioned above.

4.3. Associate Membership

4.3.1 Associate Membership is open to individuals who have training in or act in the capacity as communication support, such as, Special Needs Assistants (SNAs), Home Tutors, or equivalent.

There is a nominal membership fee from the 1st January each year. Membership lasts for 12 calendar months, after which a member must renew their membership.

4.4. The current membership fees for The Council of Irish Sign Language Teachers are:

  1. Active €20
  2. Student €10
  3. Associate €10


5. The Committee

5.1 The Committee members will carry out the day-to-day business of the Council.

5.2 The Council of Irish Sign Language Teachers Committee aims:

  1. To reflect the working population of ISL Teachers in Ireland.

5.3. Committee Members must:

  1. Be an Irish resident.
  2. Have completed and graduated from a recognised third level teacher training programme with a duration of a minimum of 2 years.
  3. Be able to demonstrate a wide range of knowledge in teaching matters

5.4. Term of elected committee member:

  1. To be elected at the AGM
  2. To serve for a term of three years. If a committee member resigns within the term, the co-opt committee may be replaced until the AGM, and the appointment may be ratified by the members.

5.5 The Council of Irish Sign Language Teachers shall be managed by the Committee consisting of Four/Five officers, all of whom must be current and paid-up members. These are:



  1. Chair all meetings of The Council of Irish Sign Language Teachers
  2. Represent The Council of Irish Sign Language Teachers at functions/meetings
  3. Act as a spokesperson for The Council of Irish Sign Language Teachers when necessary
  4. Assist the Secretary in preparing agendas for all meetings of ‘The Council of Irish Sign Language Teachers



  1. In the absence of the Chair, assume the role of the Chair
  2. Support the Chair in all their duties



  1. Ensure all monies owed to The Council of Irish Sign Language Teachers are collected
  2. Respond appropriately to all requests for money to be paid out
  3. Maintain complete records of all monies collected and paid out
  4. Prepare the accounts to 31 December of each year, in time for distribution to the Members in advance of the AGM
  5. Make a report to the Members on the financial affairs of The Council of Irish Sign Language Teachers at the AGM
  6. Maintain the membership list and send receipts of membership
  7. Deal with, at first instance, any complaints relating to finances or membership



  1. Book the dates and venues for all meetings of The Council of Irish Sign Language Teachers
  2. Notify the committee of the meetings
  3. Prepare and distribute agendas
  4. Take minutes at each meeting or appoint someone to do so
  5. Distribute the minutes within two weeks of the meeting taking place
  6. Keep abreast of incoming correspondence (post and email) and either respond or refer to another Officer for response as appropriate
  7. Create and maintain, as necessary, policies for The Council of Irish Sign Language Teachers


Events and Liaison Coordinator

  1. For all events (not including meetings):
  2. Organise dates and venues and inform members of the same via Facebook and text messages
  3. Prepare, distribute and collect forms
  4. Create a register of attending members
  5. Prepare, distribute (and collect) Continuing professional Development (CPD) certificates and evaluation forms
  6. Maintain a register of useful contacts, including their potential benefit
  7. When new potential contacts are identified, devise a contact strategy


Training Coordinator

  1. Monitor the need for CPD within the profession
  2. Create high quality CPD materials/resources for events, on-line and in hard copy
  3. Monitor quality of training provided by The Council of Irish Sign Language Teachers including evaluation forms
  4. Deal with at first instance any complaints relating to training


6. Annual General Meeting (AGM)

6.1 The Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held each between February to April of each year, or as soon as possible thereafter.

6.2 The process for calling the Annual General Meeting (AGM) shall be as follows:

6.2.1 The date and venue of the next AGM shall be announced at the end of the previous AGM, having been decided upon and booked by a member of the Volunteer Committee.

6.2.2 Formal notice of the AGM, and the minutes of the previous forum shall be sent to the Membership at least four weeks beforehand.

6.2.3 Members will have six weeks, in the run up to four weeks prior to the meeting, in which to provide one of the committee in writing any items they would like to put on the agenda or any proposed motions for consideration.

6.2.4 The agenda and all supporting documentation for the AGM shall be sent to the membership at least two weeks beforehand.


7. Amendments to the Constitution

7.1 Any current member may make proposals for amendments to the Constitution. Such proposals must be made in writing to one of the volunteer committee not less than four weeks before a forum. The committee member contacted must then inform all members of the proposal and include any supporting documentation when sending out the agenda for the forum at which it will be discussed.

7.2 Proposals for amendments to the Constitution will be considered on a case-by-case basis. For an amendment to be adopted, at least two thirds (66%) of members eligible to vote must be in support of its inclusion.


8. Equality of Opportunity

The Council of Irish Sign Language Teachers is committed to a policy of equality of opportunity and non-discrimination on the grounds of race, gender, age, sexual orientation, religious or political belief, marital status and physical/sensory disability, towards all members involved in the teaching of Irish Sign Language.